Table des matières

An extension of the presence of the artists who are part of the ICI-CCN project, the table of contents is the space that houses a variety of materials (objects, texts, drawings, images, etc.) documenting their current creative processes and/or their research as a whole. Part micro-exhibition, part mediation space, the table of contents opens up a new way for the public to enter the world of the guest artists.

Distribution et mentions

Participating artists (dans l'ordre) : Olga de Soto (1, 2 et 3), La Zampa (4, 5 et 6), Philipp Enders (7 et 8), Hubert Crabières (9)

Photographs : ©ICI—CCN_deniseoliverfierro


Informations :
↳ Contact Alice Neussaint, in charge of training and audience development  :
04 67 60 06 78 /

Table des matières — Anat Bosak

Monday 1 April > Friday 31 May 2024

Table des matières — Pauline L. Boulba

Friday 1 March > Sunday 31 March 2024

Table des matières — Yaïr Barelli

Thursday 1 February > Thursday 29 February 2024

Table des matières — Mariana Viana

Monday 15 January > Thursday 15 February 2024

Table des matières — Christian Rizzo

Monday 20 November > Wednesday 20 December 2023


Table des matières — La Zampa

Friday 20 October > Monday 20 November 2023


Table des matières — Hubert Crabières

Tuesday 26 September > Friday 20 October 2023


Table des matières — Philipp Enders

Saturday 1 April > Tuesday 25 April 2023


Table des matières — Olga de Soto

Monday 20 March > Saturday 1 April 2023