Exerce Master degree

— A programme, research, residencies and a collection

Initiated in 2011, in partnership with the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, the master exerce is an internationally recognised training programme, accompanying artists - choreographers, performers - who are the authors of their dance projects and research. The investigation of the ways of working as a choreographer, as a researcher, as a citizen is at the heart of the master exerce, which invites as much to widen the perimeter of choreography as to pursue the rapprochement between ar tistic processes and research methodologies.

↳ Two projects extend this approach at the end of the master's programme:

• the post-exerce residencies : partners throughout France hosting graduated students

• the collection « exerce, écrits chorégraphiques » which gives the opportunity to read, see and practice the memoirs of former exerce students. Three first issues were published in June 2022, two others will be published in the fall.

MA - Master exerce Team and Contacts

— Master exerce Team

The MA is supervised by ICI—CCN and by Alix de Morant – Conference Mistress at Paul-Valéry University Montpellier. 

Within ICI—CCN, the development and conception of the Master associate Anne Kerzerho – Pedagogical Director, Katerina Andreou and Myrto Katsiki – both Artist Researchers associated with the Exerce Master. Lisa Combettes, administrative coordinator of the Master and Nolwen Berger-Amari, attached to the logistics and regional partnerships, complete the Master’s team.

— Contacts