PRÉAC Resource Centres for Artistic and Cultural Education 

Developed and supported by the Ministries of Culture and Education, the artistic and cultural education pathway (EAC) is at the heart of challenges facing our society. ICI—CCN is integrated into inter-ministerial projects for training teachers, art and culture professionals and students, within structures such as the PRÉAC resource centres and Art Danse courses in secondary schools.
To support EAC players in their work, we develop training courses for and with them, as part of a research-based approach to choreographic culture.

— National seminar of the Artistic and Cultural Education Resource Centre (PRÉAC) - choreography and contemporary creation

Cycle 2022-2025 / Narratives: can fiction be made without friction? 
The place of narrative in choreography

↳ Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May 2024 Florac (Lozère)

↳ Guest artist for the third seminar of the cycle: Sylvain Prunenec

From 2022 onwards, a new multi-year cycle will focus on questions relating to the place of narrative in the field of choreography, notably including the relationship between abstraction and narrative, and fictional forms in choreographic composition.

PRÉAC is part of the continuing education programme for national education staff, artists and mediators. Organised around a multi-year theme, it includes a national seminar in the spring and a series of events in the autumn.


— Who is this training seminar for? 

. National Education resource persons from the primary and secondary levels certified in dance arts, trainers of trainers, educational advisers, teachers of dance arts options, DAAC project managers, inspection bodies, staff from National Education, agricultural education, universities, researchers, INSPÉ, STAPS, etc. 

. Artistic and cultural sector artists, conservatoire and dance school teachers, mediators, audience relations officers, dance and performing arts officers, local authority staff responsible for EAC, etc. 

. Socio-cultural and medico-social fields managers, coordinators, trainers, project managers, specialised educators, popular education, childhood, early childhood and youth professionals, social workers, etc. 



If you are a resource person from the French Ministry of Education (educational advisor, teacher trainer, educational inspector, teacher specialising in art and dance, etc.), an artist running artistic and cultural education projects or a mediator, and you would like to take part in PRÉAC and/or Résonances, don't hesitate to get in touch:

. Artistic and cultural sectors, socio-cultural and medico-social fields 
Alice Neussaint, responsible of training and audience development  (ICI—CCN) 
Lisa Combettes, Administrative coordinator of training  (ICI—CCN) 
Maya Corbière, civic training service (ICI—CCN) : 04 67 60 06 70 / 

. National education 
Aurélie Bouin, PRÉAC project manager for the Arts and Dance department at the Academy of Montpellier: 



Partners of PRÉAC Montpellier


Site Danse de l’Académie de Montpellier
> La nouvelle adresse n’est pas encore fonctionnelle, mais le sera prochainement.

ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie

DRAC Occitanie

Rectorat de l’Académie de Montpellier

INSPE Montpellier Sud-de-France


Préac cycle 2022-2025 / Récits : peut-on faire fiction sans faire d’histoires ? La place du récit dans le champ chorégraphique

Wednesday 29 May > Friday 31 May 2024

Florac (Lozère)

Être milieu des milieux

Wednesday 29 May 2024 - 21:00 > 21:45

au Parc Paul Arnal, à Florac

Pièce de danse pour des lieux de nature, de Sylvain Prunenec, Ryan Kernoa et Sophie Laly.
En savoir + ICI

Distribution et mentions

Dans le cadre du PREAC (Pôles de Ressources pour l'Éducation Artistique et Culturelle)

Organisé par la DRAC Occitanie, le rectorat de Montpellier (DAAC et EAFC), l’INSPE, ICI—CCN centre chorégraphique national Montpellier – Occitanie, Scènes croisées de Lozère, avec le soutien de La Genette Verte.
Danse, textes : Sylvain Prunenec
Mise en espace, vidéo (pour la version nocturne) : Sophie Laly
Musique : Ryan Kernoa