Dance classes in Montpellier

— Dancer training at ICI-CCN Montpellier

Regularly throughout the season, the morning practices included in the training programme are shared with professional and advanced dancers. During these sessions, the aim is to approach these different choreographic and kinaesthetic practices while maintaining an active state of availability and research. These morning practice sessions are open to dancers based in the region.

The sessions take place on weekdays from 10am to 12pm in the Studio Yano at ICI-CCN. The program for the year can be consulted HERE.

→ Rates / Conditions of participation / Booking
Public: professionals and advanced 
Information and bookings from Lisa Combettes: 04 67 60 06 76 /

— Other training for dancers in Montpellier

Didier Théron Company

The Compagnie Didier Théron, founded in 1988 in Montpellier, offers classes and workshops designed for the regular training of professional dancers, as well as for young dancers in training, who through these sessions can pursue technical work, come into contact with choreographers, and approach specific notions - body materials linked to choreographic writing.

→ Schedule and fees available for consultation : HERE
Adress : 155, rue de Bologne - Espace Bernard Glandier, 34080 Montpellier

— L'Atelier / Compagnie Yann Lheureux / Association Être en scène

Tuesday workshops are open to the amateur and professional public

→ Schedule and prices available : HERE
Adress : Amphithéâtre du collège Simone Veil, 125 Rue de Cante Gril, Montpellier

— La Nef — Regional Cooperative of Movement Arts, Music and Voice

Françoise Texier, performer (cies La Draisine, Paul les Oiseaux), choreographer and teacher, is also a trainer of trainers for the State Dance Teacher Diploma. She is part of the collective of artists “Artus à la Nef” which develops work of creation and transmission at La Nef (Montpellier) around the body and the voice. Her plural training led her to work around different currents of modern and contemporary dance such as Graham with Eric Senen at the Ballet Théatre Joseph Russillo, then the foundations of the Limon technique at the school of Peter Goss, Hervé Diasnas and Bernard Glandier then. She also studied rhythm in Gironde with Jacky Craissac and body work with Jacques Garros. She has collaborated with Christine Lenthéric in the analysis of AFCMD dance movement since 96 and considers this subject as an artistic tool in its own right which has allowed her to build a dynamic link between her different experiences. His work of transmission is essentially based on the crossed relationships between time, space, musicality in the service of a fluid and tonic corporeality.


→ Schedule and prices available : HERE
Adress : 15bis rue Lamartine, 34000 Montpellier