Editorial collection

« exerce, choregraphic writings »


Initiated in 2011 and led by ICI—CCN Centre chorégraphique National, Montpellier Occitanie in partnership with Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University the master exerce in Choreographic Studies - Research and Performance is an internationally recognised higher education programme that supports artists - choreographers and performers - who are the authors of their own dance projects and research.

The master exerce in choreographic studies - Research and Representation, is an internationally-recognised higher education programme for choreographers, performers and dance researchers, run by ICI-CCN Montpellier Occitanie in partnership with Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University.

Made possible by funding from the Ministry of Culture / DRAC Occitanie, "exerce, choreographic writings" is a collection that gives students, artists and researchers the opportunity to read, see and deliver a key stage in their work. Each edition features the writings of former students when they defend their dissertations at the end of their Master course. 

The collection is designed to be an active archive of the questions raised through writing for dance and performance. 

At the end of each work, the artist is given carte blanche to contextualise and extend this research in the form of texts, images and documents. 

"exerce, choreographic writings" is a collection that gives you the chance to read, see and experience a key stage in the work of students/artists/researchers. Each edition features the writings of former Exerce students, prepared for defence of their Master's dissertation. The publication is not reworked. It is reproduced in its original format.

Since 2014, the teaching programme of the master programme has been based on the written word and, in particular, the dissertation, as a space for the development of choreographic creation.

The idea is to invite each student to write - through their artistic work (i.e. from their processes, practices, materials, etc.) and not just about their work. This concept of the written word as the artist's expression is undertaken through an investigation of textual registers - programmed (manifestos, scores, etc.), sensations (writings about the sensitive experience/accompanying studio work, etc.), documentation (accounts of experience, glossaries, etc.) and formats - graphic and typographic treatment, the page as stage - in close relation to the specific characteristics of each student's choreographic process. 

Working to make these memoirs, or artists' writings, accessible opens up another form of public sharing of choreographic approaches, complementing their presentation on stages and in theatres. As a result, it contributes to the professional integration of these artists once they have completed their Masters. 

That's why, after initiating a placement residency programme in 2020 for students graduating from the Master's programme, we are launching this project to publish and edit the dissertations of Exerce students, with the aim of increasing the visibility and circulation of this work within the professional field and making it accessible to a wide range of audiences. Unlike the integration residencies, which concern all the students in a graduating class, the publication focus will be on selected dissertations produced since the master's programme was set up in 2013. 

The collection is designed to be an active archive of the questions raised through writing for dance and performance. At the end of the work, each artist is given carte blanche to contextualise and extend this research in the form of texts, images and documents.



Collection "exerce, écrits chorégraphiques" I, II & III (Mai 2022)

— "A sound has no legs to stand on" by Jule Flierl

— "A choreographic lesson for the faint of heart, and poets of the here the now and the yet to come" by Mor Demer

— "Planning prévisionnel printemps" by Clarissa Baumann



Publisher Crossing Éditions (Rennes)
Coproduction ICI—Centre chorégraphique national Montpellier Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo 
Editorial managment Anne Kerzerho, Christian Rizzo, Rostan Chentouf, Myrto Katsiki et Jocelyn Cottencin
Editorial Committee Alix de Morant, Christian Rizzo, Anne Kerzerho, Rostan Chentouf, Myrto Katsiki and Jocelyn Cottencin 
Print Media graphic, Rennes 
Graphic design Jocelyn Cottencin, Studio Lieux Communs (Rennes)