Christian Rizzob.c, janvier 1545, fontainebleau.
Christian Rizzo
Creation 2007, solo for Julie Guibert
Duration: 1h
Premiere — June 24th and 25th, 2007, Chai du Terral, Festival Montpellier Danse (France)
Date(s) à venir
Statment of intent
"For b.c, janvier 1545, fontainebleau., Christian Rizzo reunites with his favorite cohorts, Caty Olive who creates the lighting environment of the piece, and Gerome Nox who creates its sound score - all focusing on a singular project. The choreographer creates a specific universe, custom-fit to Julie Guibert, a classical dancer he met at the Lyon Opera Ballet in 2004. The dancer has got a specific experience and has come across Maguy Marin’s, Trisha Brown’s, William Forsythe’s, Mats Ek’s and Philippe Decouflé’s universes. Both fascinated by what he calls her “incredible intelligence onstage,” and inspired by her personality, Rizzo continue working on the connection he felt to Ms. Guibert in creating this solo, in which he asks himself, “how do we look at a woman alone on stage, outside her own community?”. He imagines a dance projected into space, nocturnal, carved by the lighting to “delve into the idea of slowness, shaping the calligraphic dimension of the movement.” In the background we intuit the questions revealed by these enigmatic images, of the links between memory and vision, of the ritual dimension of performance, and what it means to write, to create for another person."
Irène Filiberti - January, 2007 (extract)
Distribution et mentions
Choreography, stage design, costume design: Christian Rizzo | Dance : Julie Guibert | Light installation: Caty Olive | Creation original music: Gerome Nox | Technical direction: Bruno Capodagli | Production and touring director: Anne Fontanesi and Anne Bautz
Executive production: ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo Coproduction l’association fragile, le Festival Montpellier Danse, CND - Centre National de la Danse, Pantin (création en résidence) | With the support of La Passerelle, Scène nationale de Saint-Brieuc
Photograhs ©Marc Domage
Date(s) passée(s)
Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris
Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris
→ deferred to the 2021-2022 season
Musée de L'Orangerie, Paris
Centre Culturel André Malraux, Scène nationale de Vandœuvre-les-Nancy (France)
Espaces Pluriels – Scène conventionnée danse, Pau (France)
le lieu unique, scène nationale de Nantes (France)
— in corealisation TU-Nantes, scène de recherche et de création contemporaine
Festival International de Danse, Kalamata (Greece)
DeSingel, Anvers (Belgium)
Festival Vivat La Danse, Armentières (France)
On the Boards, Seattle (United States)
The Kitchen, New York (United States)
The Kitchen, New York (United States)
CN D – Centre National de la Danse, Pantin (France)
CN D – Centre National de la Danse, Pantin (France)
CN D – Centre National de la Danse, Pantin (France)
Teatro de la Laboral, Gijon (Spain)
Opéra de Dijon (France)
Festival Crossroads 2008, Varsovie (Poland)
Le Toboggan, Décines (France)
— in the framework of the program of la Maison de la Danse
La Passerelle, Scène nationale de Saint-Brieuc (France)
Opéra de Lille (France)
— in the framework of the Opération Remix
Opéra de Lille
— in the framework of the Opération Remix
Chai du Terral, Festival Montpellier Danse 2007 [première]