Quelque chose suit son cours...

Christian Rizzo
Creation 2017 — Exhibition
created at the Yo-Chang Art Museum of the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA), Taipei (Taiwan)
from 16 November 2017 to 14 January 2018

More info: www.airplants.sense-info.co

Date(s) à venir

Artistic Statement

Christian Rizzo is invited by the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) to take part in the exhibition « Air Plant - Performance ability within contemporary arts ».


This exhibition leads to the creation of an original piece nurtured by the following artistic purpose:

“ As a choreographer with a background in plastic art, my focus has always been to link movements with space and to identify movement–space possibilities regardless of whether these possibilities are narrative and/or abstract-based. Therefore, to me, dances themselves are as important as the creation of choreography. Objects, symbols, and clothing are the changing or unchanging “connectors” joining bodies and bodies as well as bodies and surrounding space together. 

Movement thus becomes an item shared in the physical space, where living entities become one with inanimate objects and engage in a series of shrinking and expanding-oriented interaction with space. Space is like writing, in which it provides a realm for the creation of choreography.

This exhibition provides me an opportunity to leave theaters behind me and enter the world of museums, where I am given a platform to showcase performing arts that I have created over the past 15 years. For this exhibition, I was required to find a form of presentation that enables my performing arts to be exhibited and/or viewed as stage performances, where I share my personal stories with the audience. ”

Christian Rizzo - October 2017

Distribution et mentions

Curator: Chun-Yi Chang | Conception: Christian Rizzo | Assistant: Hung-Chih Wang | Film editing: Sophie Laly | Thanks to: Iuan-Hau Chiang | Production and touring director: Anne Fontanesi | Production and touring administrator: Anne Bautz


Production: National Taiwan University of Arts | Created in the framework of: Air Plant - Performance ability within contemporary arts | With the support of Bureau français à Taïwan


Photographs ©Wei-can Liu

Date(s) passée(s)

16 November 2017> 14 January 2018

Exposition au Yo-Chang Art Museum 3F, Taipei (Taïwan)