exerce 2022-2024 — M2

Aged between 27 and 31, these students have already engaged in a professional career as a performer/choreographer prior to their entry to the school. Like all the previous ones, this class is distinguished by its international dimension.

— Master 2

— Kazuki Fujita is a Japanese-born choreographic artist, trained at the CRR in Paris and the CNDC in Angers. He is developing his reflection within the Master of Dance at the University of Paris 8 and works with different artists such as Kidows Kim and Ana Rita Teodoro. He is interested in the processes of translation of language into gesture and gesture into language and explores a practice where misunderstandings are a source of creation and metamorphosis.

— Ametonyo Silva was born in the Sertão da Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. He is a dancer, choreographer, performer-actor and has a degree in directing from the University of São Paulo. His current work articulates migration-displacement-landscape through a choreographic research that considers the reenchantment of life through memory, imagination and the metamorphosis of the body.

— Saghar Hosseinpour is a dance artist and practice-oriented researcher. She began her career as an artist while studying economics in Iran. Her practice consists of creating situations that welcome constant change. She acts on these constantly changing spaces as a mediator.

— Barbara Novati graduated in dance at the Paolo Grassi Academy (Italy) and in philosophy. In parallel to her work as a dancer/performer, she develops a research on the body, choreography, language working with performative practices focused on the relationship between body and landscape. She is interested in the activation of a bodily presence capable of producing changes in the landscape and its perception.

— Sophia Seiss born in Berlin, is a dancer, performer and teacher. She works with musicians, visual artists and choreographers in Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine. In 2017 she graduated from the University of Cologne with a degree in contemporary dance. Her research focuses on social dichotomies: individual and collective, minority and majority, and the processes by which one transforms into the other.

— Ehsan Shayanfard Ehsan is a choreographer and director. He has a degree in theatre from Tehran University of Art. His works generally focus on power, authority structures and their organisation. He is the founder of idlearts, an independent group that carries out social and artistic activities with people from different backgrounds.