FSR — Elie Autin

Elie Autin (Lausanne)

She proliferates into an infinite number of chimeras. A queer and racialised artist, she's shaking up the dance and performance scenes. At the end of her training in contemporary dance at the Manufacture in Lausanne, with Présage she created the first work by the company Les Bacchantes. Working together contributes to the development of critical art, finding an echo in all those who aspire to live together.

In residence at the studio from 16 to 20 December 2024 as part of the Life Long Burning project, funded by the European Union.

Présage - creation 2022

Thursday 19 December 2024 - 19:00 > 20:00

Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN

— Meeting with Elie Autin and her team about the creative process

Revolted by white society's view of black bodies, Elie Autin revives the striking force of the Furies by combining it with the magnetic power of the Bacchae. From being perched on the heights, a creature is forced to leave its peaceful surroundings. Its cries, laughter and songs act as an outlet for the violence it is subject to. And yet, through this protean dance, the body is transformed. From the crossing of stereotypes to the expression of fury: a chimera is born.

Entrée libre sur réservation

Distribution et mentions

Chorégraphie et performance : Elie Autin | Musique et création sonore : Aisha Devi | Création lumière : Sel Dir Melaizi | Dramaturgie : Clara Delorme | Costumes : Planeta | Accessoires et perruque : Kim Coussé | Scénographie : Caroline Schattling-Villeval, Shehrazad Dermé et Clément Capdevielle | Assistant : Collin Cabanis | Photographies : ©Yolane Rais

Production : Association Les Bacchantes, Lausanne | Production exécutive : Ars Longa, Genève | Coproduction originale : Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Ars Longa Production | Soutiens à la production originale : Ville de Lausanne, Fondation Leenaards

Photographies : ©Yolane Rais

Texte : ©Noëmie Charrié

Dance club with Elie Autin

Wednesday 18 December 2024 - 19:00 > 21:00

Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN

Open to all, with no pre-requisites, this monthly workshop for adult amateurs is an opportunity to meet, through their work, the artists who are involved with ICI this season. The dance club invites you to experiment with a wide range of practices, creative processes and warm-up rituals, with a focus on the precision of choreographic writing.

7€ l’atelier / 5€ tarif super réduit / 3€ yoot