Madeleine FournierPar/ICI: Madeleine Fournier
Madeleine Fournier (Paris)
Intimately connected to music, she knew she wanted to be a dancer right from childhood. Her dream took root at the CNR in Paris and the CNDC in Angers, and then blossomed through contact with choreographers, performers, visual artists, landscape architects and musicians. On stage or in her writing, her physical, intellectual and emotional commitment is astounding. Singing, the plant world and experimental music all play an integral part in her work, which vibrates to the rhythm of wherever it is performed.

In residency from 7 to 16 October 2024
Labourer — création 2018
Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN
Is ploughing the same as opening furrows? Does it mean devoting yourself entirely to hard work? Slipping into the steps of traditional and classic dance, the bourrée? For Madeleine Fournier, the polysemy of the verb is a springboard that enables her to leap from peasant culture to academic forms, via the female condition. Branded - the red of shame, emotion, desire and effort - she brings out the expressiveness, even the song, of simple, archetypal gestures.
PLATFORM → after the performance on 9 October.
13€ / 9€ / 5€ / Yoot 3€
— Par/ICI: Path / Portrait PROJECT
→ Labourer - Madeleine Fournier:
1 workshop + 1 show (workshop led by the show's choreographer)
. project carried out as part of Life Long Burning, funded by the European Union as part of the Europe Creative programme.
Distribution et mentions
Création et interprétation : Madeleine Fournier | Dispositif sonore et musique : Clément Vercelletto | Lumière : Pierre Bouglé | Regard extérieur : David Marques | Aide costume : Valentine Solé | Conseil film : Dominique Willoughby | Régie générale : Jeanne Lafargue et régie son : Sébastien Finck | Administration / Production : Margot Guillerm et Adèle Tourte
Production : O D E T T A | Coproduction : Atelier de Paris / CDCN Centre de développement chorégraphique, Théâtre du Beauvaisis, Le Vivat d’Armentières scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk, La Raffinerie Charleroi danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes | Soutien et résidence : PAD Angers, CND dans le cadre de la résidence augmentée, TU Nantes | Avec le soutien du Fonds SACD Musique de Scène, l’aide à la résidence de la ville de Paris, la Drac Île-de-France au titre de l’aide au projet et Arcadi avec le Parcours d’accompagnement. La compagnie ODETTA est soutenue par la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Île-de-France avec une aide pluriannuelle pour 2 ans.
Ilustration : ©Catherine Hershey
Texte : ©Noëmie Charrié
TOPO 1 evening - Participatory ball
Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN
Guests: Solange Panis and Julien Desailly
What does it mean to share a rhythm, a step, a touch? In two evenings, one in the form of a participatory ball, the other as a philosophical experiment, the question of community blossoms under the gaze of dance.
Entrée libre sur réservation
— Par/ICI: Path / Portrait PROJECT
→ Labourer - Madeleine Fournier:
1 workshop + 1 show (workshop led by the show's choreographer)
. project carried out as part of Life Long Burning, funded by the European Union as part of the Europe Creative programme.
Distribution et mentions
Coproduction : ICI—CCN Montpellier Occitanie / direction Christian Rizzo
TOPO 2 evening - Philosophy club
Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN
— Meet Frédérique Aït-Touati
What does it mean to share a rhythm, a step, a touch? In two evenings, one in the form of a participatory ball, the other as a philosophical experiment, the question of community blossoms under the gaze of dance.
This philosophy club will be looking at the relationship between theory and practice. Frédérique Aït-Touati, historian of science and stage director, will talk about her collective work Terra Forma, which features a series of maps as models of the world. She will show us how the map is a tool that can help us to see the world differently. And it can even become a choreographic score! To extend the evening, we'll be offering the public the chance to try out the dances from Le bal de la terre, a creation by Frédérique Ait-Touati and which is where they met.
Entrée libre sur réservation
— Par/ICI: Path / Portrait PROJECT
→ Labourer - Madeleine Fournier:
1 workshop + 1 show (workshop led by the show's choreographer)
. project carried out as part of Life Long Burning, funded by the European Union as part of the Europe Creative programme.
Distribution et mentions
Coproduction : ICI—CCN Montpellier Occitanie / direction Christian Rizzo
"Earthscape" de Frédérique Aït-Touati et Emanuele Coccia / La Vignette
Théâtre la Vignette, scène conventionnée / Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier
en co-accueil avec L'Atelline - Scène conventionnée d'intérêt national — Art & Création
Pratique du matin / exerce — Madeleine Fournier
Régulièrement dans la saison, les pratiques du matin inscrites au programme d’exerce sont partagées avec des personnes ayant une pratique régulière en danse.
30€ la session de 5 cours
ou 6€ la session individuelle
→ Inscriptions et réservations : 04 67 60 06 76 –