Presentation - Par/ICI:
Par/ICI: a cross-curricular programme by ICI – the National Choreographic Centre of Montpellier.
Emerging or recognized, alone or accompanied, the artists invited by Par/ICI: work on two evening performances for the public at the end of a short residency.
First, a spectacular form, refined, constructed and mastered, drawn from the repertoire or freshly created, and testifying to the strength of writing.
The second TOPO performance is dedicated to ongoing research: a side step, specially designed for the occasion, an experiment which gives pride of place to concepts and the notion of orders.
The two complementary performances feed, stimulate and resonate together, allowing the general public to understand choreographic performance as a range of diverse, generous, open, innovative focuses. Shows, meetings, films, installations ... Par/ICI: offers a variety of readings, points of view and ways of envisioning, seeing and appreciating the uniqueness of an artist's universe.
Par/ICI:, TOPO performance
TOPO prefix, TOPO suffix.
TOPO is a short research residency where artists invent their environment.
TOPO physical statement, TOPO statement, TOPO is speech, sketch, diagram, study, composition; TOPO is subject, fantasy, whim, extravagance.
TOPO hosts a story in progress, a group of guests, events that happen over the course of an evening.
TOPO is the continuation of a track, a path, landscapes invented, dreamed and started from scratch.
TOPO associates patterns, relationships, characteristics. TOPO is a recurring and regular form of stylistic expression, a story of bodies which evolve, and return to memory in successive layers.
— Anne Fontanesi
Director of production and distribution | In charge of the programming for Par/ICI:
+33 (0)4 67 60 06 75 /
— Par/ICI: programming and residences combine presentation of work from an artist's repertoire with experimentation through an ad hoc evening performance entitled TOPO, conceived within the time and space of Montpellier.
— Season 2024/2025
More info: HERE
Par/ICI: receives support from ONDA - National Office for Artistic Diffusion.