d'à côté

Christian Rizzo
Creation 2017, for 3 dancers — piece for all audiences from 6 years old
Duration: about 50 minutes

French premiere — October 6th and 7th, 2017, Bagouet studio, ICI—CCN Montpellier (France)
International premiere — December 17th, 2017, Concertgebouw Brugge (Belgium) in the framework of December Dance

Date(s) à venir

Artistic statement

D’à côté is a perceptual and choreographic tale in which 3 beings evolve. Emerging and vanishing on stage create a moving landscape, where dance and objects enter in a dialogue with lighting and sound, opening onto a dreamlike space in which each protagonist invites the other in its own world. Combining dancers and hybrid figures, d’à côté develops an abstract narrative made of disruptions, movements’ contaminations, free images’ associations, and physical involvement. D’à coté carries within the desire to provide a space of metamorphoses for an audience of all ages so that everyone’s possible fantasies are brought together.”
Christian Rizzo - October, 2016

Creator of images, Christian Rizzo continues his line of work and undertakes this piece for all ages. After creating a trilogy of “choreographic dance pieces on dances” (d’après une histoire vraie (2013), ad noctum (2015), le syndrome ian (2016), he pursues his work following his commitment and what has always nurtured him: a fantasy dreamlike world, hybrid, made of plasticity met by strange figures. The title d’à côté alludes to the out-of frame spaces encountering one another on stage: images, sound, lighting. From this different medium’s connection erupts phantasmagoric forms, in which bodies are not the only compositional tools. While imagining a piece for young audience and families, Christian Rizzo wishes to push our boundaries and expand our fantasies into a made up magical world.

Distribution et mentions

Choreography, stage design and costume design: Christian Rizzo | Dance: Nicolas Fayol, Bruno Lafourcade, Baptiste Ménard | Light design: Caty Olive accompanied by Jéronimo Roé | Original music: Nicolas Devos and Pénélope Michel (Cercueil / Puce Moment) | Visuals: Iuan-Hau Chiang, Sophie Laly | Artistic assistant: Sophie Laly | Artistic accompanist: I-Fang Lin | Costume realization: Laurence Alquier | Masks realization: Nicole Renchain | Multimedia software programming: Yragaël Gervais | Thanks to: Miriana Couvret | Technical direction: Bruno Capodagli | Production and touring director: Anne Fontanesi and Anne Bautz

Production : ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo | Coproduction : Chaillot-Théâtre National de la Danse - Paris, Théâtre de la Ville - Paris, Opéra de Lille, Concertgebouw Brugge dans le cadre de December Dance (Belgique), TANDEM - Scène nationale, TJP Centre Dramatique National d’Alsace Strasbourg, Charleroi Danse - Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Scène nationale d’Albi

Photographs ©Christian Rizzo

— Podcast : Écoute (En) Corps

par © Essonne Danse 

→ avec les interprètes Nicolas Fayol, Bruno Lafourcade, Baptiste Ménard 
→ à écouter EN LIGNE : ICI

Date(s) passée(s)

05 > 07 May 2020

Les 2 scènes, Scène nationale de Besançon (annulé)

22 > 23 November 2020

TAP - Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers (annulé)

15 > 16 March 2018

Le grand R, Scène nationale de La Roche-sur-Yon

12 > 13 February 2018

Théâtre d'Arles, Scène conventionnée pour les nouvelles écritures

17 December 2017

Concertgebouw Brugge, Bruges (Belgique) [première internationale]
— as part of the December Dance 17 (curateur : Christian Rizzo)

12 December 2017

Le Grand Bleu, Lille 
— as part of the Festival "Les Petits Pas" du Gymnase | CDCN

06 > 07 October 2017

Studio Bagouet, ICI—CCN Montpellier [première]