comme crâne, comme culte.

Christian Rizzo,
Creation 2005 - restaging 2016, solo for Jean-Baptiste André
Duration: 30 minutes

Date(s) à venir

Statment of intent

« July 2002 – I was a guest of Rachid Ouramdane. He and I studied the figure of the biker as a loner without his motorbike, travelling solo. skull*cult was born, for and with the Jardin de la Vierge theatre as part of Avignon festival.
October 2016, during the “Préludes à la saison 2016/2017” (season kick-off) organised by ICI—CCN, I go back on that solo piece, with the wish to bring about, one more time, a moment of contemplation and mystery, an enclave in these chaotic times and increasing flow of images. 
comme crâne, comme culte. disregards the existing tracks to leave new ones, as so many thoughts (prayers, visions) built up in the void, crystallized by its possibilities. Tinged with memories and sweet nostalgia, this solo piece provides a time for observation, sharp writing cut out of a hanging environment. More than ever, the state of presence, of detail and physical intelligence (when defining oneself) are for me a shared thought/action. » 
Christian Rizzo - May, 2016

Distribution et mentions

Choreography, stage design, costume design: Christian Rizzo | Dance: Jean-Baptiste André | Technical direction: Bruno Capodagli | Production and touring director: Anne Fontanesi | Production and touring administrator: Anne Bautz 

Production [creation 2005] : l’association fragile | Production [restaging 2016] : ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo | Coproduction : La SACD et le Festival d’Avignon dans le cadre du programme « Le Sujet à Vif » 

With the support of Centre National de Danse d’Angers


Photographs ©Marc Domage

Two versions are possible for this piece:

. black box,
. outdoors or other spaces (museums…).

Date(s) passée(s)

28 October 2017

Centre Pompidou, Málaga (Espagne)
— en soirée partagée avec IL et paysage

08 October 2016

Cour de l'Agora, Montpellier
— dans le cadre du Prélude à la saison 16/17 d'ICI—CCN

20 November 2010

DeSingel, Anvers (Belgique)

21 > 22 August 2009

Festival Arcus Temporum (Hongrie)

31 March 2007

le lieu unique, Scène nationale de Nantes
— as part of the Let's Dance Festival