d'après nature

Film, installation and performance by Christian Rizzo, long-term project

Chapter 1: residency from April 2nd to 7th, 2018, Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes (France)
— in the framework of a carte blanche to Christian Rizzo 
— public presentation on April 7th, 2018

Chapter 2: residency from April 17th to 27th, 2018, National Taichung Theater, Taichung (Taiwan) 
— public presentation on April 27th, 2018

Date(s) à venir

Statment of intent

D’après nature is a hybrid choreographic project between installation, video and dance. Regarded as both a roaming laboratory and a performance area, it is a contemporary venue that summons the past, rebooted in sound and image.

Christian Rizzo’s choreographic script relates mainly to the theatre, as a non-negotiable prerequisite, making movement and composition spring to life as a single entity.

He yearns to probe the structure of works that have marked his career and deems it important to re-assess some active principles.

Regardless of angles or views in choreographic spatial arrangements, no theatre exists in which you can watch a dance at a distance where it merges with its surroundings, or so close-up that the body itself cannot be contemplated other than in its entirety. In terms of framing, film is the natural choice to explore the relationships in the landscape and the body-landscapes. Is it also, perhaps, the desire to offer an alternative fictional space for abstract dance?

Each residency is designed as a specific occurrence, producing a unique experience that creates a dialogue, in the form of a performed installation, films and a ‘live’ presence.

Distribution et mentions

Conception: Christian Rizzo | Images: Sophie Laly and Christian Rizzo | Technical direction: Bruno Capodagli | Production and touring director: Anne Fontanesi | Production and touring administrator: Anne Bautz 

Production: ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier – Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée / Direction Christian Rizzo | Co-production: Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes, National Taichung Theater (Taiwan)


Photograph ©Christian Rizzo

Contacts — Production and touring

— Anne Fontanesi 
Production and distribution director 
tel. +33 (0)4 67 60 06 75 
mob. +33 (0)6 86 68 95 86

— Anne Bautz 
Production and distribution administrator 
tel. +33 (0)4 67 60 06 74 
mob +33 (0)7 86 96 03 31

Date(s) passée(s)